Tuesday, April 12, 2005

The luckiest woman-woman-woman- on the face of the earth-earth-earth

On Sunday I finally got to use my Yankees credentials. Woo hoo! They played like the Mets, frankly, with a disappointing loss to the Orioles.

BUT! I did see Chr!s Noth (aka "Big" on Sex and the C!ty) eating with his entourage in the press dining room. I'm no suret why he was in the press dining room as opposed to the V.I.P. dining room, but there he was, chewing with his mouth wide open.

Ah, what would Carrie Br@dshaw write about.... mastication?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

C@rrie Br@dshaw would get paid 50 cents a word at Vogue to write some question like, "I couldn't help but wonder, why doesn't 'mastication' mean 'liberation?'"

God knows I'd trade for her life, though... 50 cents a word would buy a lot of yarn...