Thursday, December 19, 2002

Hee! I am very excited because Stephen has decided to come down here and spend a solid three weeks visiting! YAY! I haven't seen him for more than two consecutive days at a time since last Christmas, so we're both really looking forward to this.

Incidentally, he sent this email out to friends, family, etc. I found it to be highly amusing, so I'm pasting it up here. Apologies to those of you who will get this twice, first from him and now here. Enjoy!


The New York Times recently caught up with world famous actor and physicist Stephen Libby. He is best known to our readers as a student at Syracuse University, a native of Connecticut, star of stage and screen, and inventor and patent holder of Gravity, "the force which makes stuff heavy." Here is an excerpt from our interview.

New York Times: Stephen, for many of our readers, it's been a while since they last heard from you. How have you changed?

Stephen M. Libby: I've grown three feet and lost seventy pounds, the result being that I look like a freakish sort of flag pole with hair and a sweatshirt. I've also started watching football. It's frightening.

NYT: How will you be spending the Holidays this year?

SML: I'll be with family in Virginia, my brother's family. It will be nice to see my two year old nephew, who is still amazed that I can hum and whistle simultaneously. Easy crowd.

NYT: You were recently involved in a production of "The Witch of Blackbird Pond.:" Tell us about that.

SML: Well, it was done at the Wheelock Family Theatre. The play is based on the book of the same name that for many, and I think I'm justified, and not too boastful in saying this, was compulsory reading in sixth grade. It's about a witch trial in Connecticut in the late seventeenth century. I played John, the young minister's pupil and suitor to the Wood household. I daresay that the play is a gruelling tour-de-force of the human psyche, a twisted fun-house mirror into the soul that leaves the spectator breathless, not knowing whether they want to live or die. Also, there were cookies in the lobby.

NYT: You received some critical praise for your role, correct?

SML: Yes, in all modesty, I was called, 'wryly amusing,' as well as, 'competent.'

NYT: Has all this acclaim and fame gone to your head?

SML: Of course not. I'm still the same designer suit wearing, cocktail drinking, hard partying man of the people I've always been.

NYT: Are you still working at the magic store?

SML: Sadly, no. The store closed due to pressure from the landlords. But I am now investigating the fabulous world of data entry and unemployment checks. And the store did teach me a lot. I walked away with a unicycle, a rubber chicken, and the ability to throw a playing card like a boomerang and make it disappear and reappear from my bare hands. If that's not a marketable skill, I don't know what is.

NYT: It must be very exciting to be you.

SML: Yes, it must.

NYT: So, what's next for Stephen Libby?

SML: Well, you'd have to ask him. (Laughs for five minutes straight.) God, I'm funny.

NYT: So. . .

SML: I've been going on auditions, reading scripts. Speilberg wants me, and there's talk from Her Majesty the Queen's camp about knighthood, despite the fact that I'm not an English subject. Apparently, they're willing to make and exception just for me.

NYT: Any plans?

SML: Well, I'll be spending a few weeks in Florida with my girlfriend @ngie, [sic] writing, relaxing, scooping together the little bits of my brain that have fallen out and cramming them back in. Then, I'll start making plans for a move to NYC.

NYT: Sounds exciting.

SML: Yes, it must. My life is a whirlwind.

NYT: Lastly, what do you have to say to the rumors that rather than sending out gifts or personalized Christmas cards this year, you'll be sending out some crappy kind of form letter?

SML: That is a blatant falsehood of untruthity. I would never do that to my friends. A form letter! Ridiculous! I have no dearer or closer friend in the world than [YOUR NAME HERE]. He or she means far too much to me. And I sincerely hope that [YOUR NAME HERE] has a beautiful holiday season and a prosperous New Year.

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