Friday, April 04, 2008

The Week in Review

Joel is coaching JV baseball for the first time. The kids haven't won a game in the past three seasons, so his goal is to get them to win a game. Period. Their first game was against Joel's alma mater, reigning BigWig MucketyMucks of NYC public school sports, and predictably, they lost. The score was 26-0 when the ump called a mercy finish in the fourth inning.

There are only two fields for four teams, and JV gets the shaft. He's been alternating between taking the guys to a nearby park or batting cage for practice and making them run around a parking lot using bases he bought at Modell's himself. The school doesn't have enough money to buy baseball caps for the whole team, so they were going to have to share. Nothin' says team unity like shared adolescent forehead sweat. (Yumm!) We're buying everyone their own hat, because EW. 'Nough said.

My week.. how you say.... sucked big time? It's all elated-ray to my ob-jay, so I'll leave it at that.

Joel and I picked out the setting for our wedding rings. Um, woot? And... my printer, which will be churning out about a hundred wedding invitations for Alissa and Todd tomorrow, is fixed, which is a relief. $125 for the privilege of having a technician fish a tiny piece of paper out of the inner guts of the printer. Awesome! At least it's working now.

And the rest is just the minutia of my very busy month. Getting my car serviced, doing taxes, keeping the cats from being Intrepid Explorers Who Must Unearth the Mysteries of the Giant Pile of Wedding Projects. Yup. Pretty much.

How are you? Are you good?

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