Monday, August 20, 2007

The Quiet

Joel just left for his photo adventure in the Pacific Northwest. Like, he just left. I hopped in the shower and started to do all these various and sundry tasks that I was sort of waiting to do after the flurry of laundry, and packing, and gear sorting ("Is this your polarizing filter or mine?") was finished.

And now my EZ Pass billing infomation is all updated, and the mail-order prescriptions are refilled, and the Broadway actress has been contacted about rescheduling her headshot (she cancelled last week because she said "felt too ugly" but I am- hint- 525,600 kinds of starstruck, so I *totally* caved) and now it's quiet.

Too quiet. Fred is asleep here beside me, but Bella may very well be silently plotting a way to get into the Closet of Enchantment and Mystery where we keep the extra food...


Anonymous said...


Normally Fred is the one plotting to get into the Closet of Enchantment and Mystery so I wouldn't worry to much. I'll be back and subtracting from the "too quiet" before you know it.


Anonymous said...

If it's Idina Menzel, I am so not speaking to you.

Chunky Photojournalist Barbie said...

It's not. :)

Anonymous said...

Michelle, I was about to leave a nearly identical comment! :)